  • Corsi Inglese Parma

English Workshop Parma

Colloquio in inglese (2h)

Colloquio in inglese (2h)

It’s always tough to interview for a new job. However, it is even harder if the interview is in English and not in your native tongue.

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Curriculum in inglese

Curriculum in inglese

Sabato 9 e domenica 10 novembre
H. 9,30 - 10,30

A company/university you want to apply to has asked you to send in a CV in English and you're thinking,...

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Successful Publishing: A guide to scientific journal editing and publishing.

Successful Publishing: A guide to scientific journal editing and publishing.

Il corso è finalizzato a fornire alcuni consigli e strumenti per aiutarvi a capire le esigenze degli Editors e sviluppare un articolo scientifico in modo da raggiungere i vostri obiettivi di...

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